Wednesday, November 7, 2007

More rain - and a LEAK!

Wednesday turned out to be a wet day, but only during hte morning hours. Never the less, we had a small trickle of water coming down along the newly installed beam in spanning the entry way. A leak in the valley we worked so hard on - while disputing the approach - yesterday. Thankfully it was not more than a small and short lived trickle. In one way, it was a good sign, allowing us to redo that darn valley the right way tomorrow - the way it should have been done from the beginning!

Due to the weather, the guys worked mostly inside today, finally getting the long awaited supporting beam into the kitchen wall. Originally the architect had placed this one in the basement, supported by two additional pillars, but that was all due to a drawing error, adding four non-existing feet to the span. Since it now was only 11 feet, one long beam would do it, and putting it upstairs inside the kitchen wall made it all much easier than pulling out floor joists and all the associated wiring.

After the beam was in, Tom continued sheathing the internal shear walls. He even managed to get the sheets to pass all the way past and behind the stairs, allowing for a much stronger shear. It also gave me the chance to finally properly insulate that wall since it is towards the garage. If nothing else, it does add to the fire protection as well.

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