Monday, January 12, 2009

Insulation completed

As much as it is NOT fun to work with fiberglass batts in a vaulted ceiling, as fun is it to say that the work is completed!

In order to reduce the chances of moisture penetration and following mold and rot damages, I probably worked on a few overkill solutions, but a vaulted ceiling is an area where you are better safe than sorry. Once it is up, you cannot get to it later. There's not attic to crawl into, or an exterior hatch for inspection. No, it has to be done with care, quality, and a proper design from day one, so you never will have to touch it again.

In order to allow for proper air flow and ventilation under the roof deck, I decided not to just "trust" that there'd be a void between the top of insulation and the underside of the roof deck. In order to ensure adequate space I put up 1x2" stringers, running along the roof rafters, from the bird blocks, all the way up to the ridge vent. On these stringers, I nailed sheets of masonite boards, creating a "plenum" to ensure unobstructed air movement from intake at bird blocks to discharge at ridge vents.

Did take a few hours and some added material, but after having seen what lack of proper ventilation and moisture management can do to a vaulted ceiling, it was really a no brainer.

Notice how the stringers meet up with the bird blocks at the soffit. A masonite board will be strung across the stringers, creating a continouos "plenum" from soffit to ridge vent.

Roof deck cut wide open to ensure proper ventilation under valley

Notice box and wiring for mandatory hard-wired smoke/fire detectors

Even cross members were "stripped" to allow for proper air flow

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