Sunday, December 30, 2007


Finally! After a tedious (and extremely dusty) removal of the old fiberglass insulation in the attic, followed by a thourugh cleaning up (removal of construction debris and vaccuming), it was time to seal up the house and get it properly insulated for the first time in well over 45 years.

The old batts were "on location" but what a crappy installation. I thought of actually keeping them, blowing in insulation on top, but it would have been the easy and wrong way to go. In order for insulation to work properly, one need to minimize the movement of air closest to the interior. The way the old insulation was laid out between the old rafters, there was no chance in hell it would have worked properly. So, after a few VERY dirty days, I had over a truck full of old insulation (filled with nails, roofinmg material, and other cosutruction debris) to take up to the dump. The trusy LandCruiser hauled it all away in style!

After several additional trips to Home Depot, picking up 40 bales of cellulose insulation, a new trip to pick up the heavy and bulky blower I finally managed to get a promise from the wife to man the blower. It was all done today!

But, man was it dusty up there. I would not even want to think what it would have been like, should we have decided to blow in fiberglass insulation instead. Wife, outside in the winter sun, complained about the dust, but I can guarantee that she saw less than 10% of what I had up in the attic.

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