Monday, February 23, 2009

Taping and mudding...

With me having an inherited disgust for drywall, I realized that the "finishing" of said products was not really up for me.

In comes Ben, who some long time ago had promised to give me a hand with the taping and mudding. Clearly an expert and it looks like a "whole different place".

Ben was rewarded with some beer and promises for future help when he needs a hand with electrical, mechanical, or carpentry stuff (+wife tiling his bath room floor).

In action...

...from a different angle, different profession

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scaffolding gone - drywalling done!

With scaffolding gone, all of the T&G up in the ceiling, it was easy to work in a cleaned up area and put up the few remaining pieces of drywall. Sure, a lot of cutting around windows, but still not to bad.

Can't see it in this picture - and that is sort of by purpose - but did spend some considerable time ensuring that the vapor barriers seals as good as possible along each side of the ridge beam.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Painting - upside down

With all the strips in place, all the trim and fitting done, I put on two layers of clear polyurethane since the wood otherwise has a tendency to rapidly turn yellow. It will do that eventually, but it'll take longer time if treated.

I thought about doing this before the strips went up, but I really did not have time - or room - and it wasn't too hard to put on these two coats - working upside down.

With the ceiling completed, time to remove the scaffolding so the final sheets of drywall on the "walls" can be hung.